
Newsletter November 2021 - The False Start

You may or may not have read our April Newsletter for the SMEMA Hermes Adaptor, well...

...We had to pull the plug on pre-orders as the availability of a crucial part went unknown overnight shortly after publication. While this may have not been an issue for customers who wish to run a long term evaluation, especially when integrating it into a larger solution or OEM equipment, we wanted to pass on a lead time that is based on fact for those customers that wanted to place further orders.

We have now been informed that the part should become available again in Q1 2022, so fingers crossed with that. The part is designed and made in the UK so we are hoping our supplier is basing this date on a certain supply chain.

This also highlighted to us that we have no knowledge of how our customers intend to use this new SMEMA Adaptor or their expectations of how finished this BETA product is. We want to remain a Digital First business to pass the efficiencies onto our customers, however it’s become clear with the inquiries that we have received that everyone is at a different stage with their Hermes Standard rollout and so expectations are high.


Covid has clearly turned the World off for a year, and turned it back on up to eleven and so we must deliver and support that delivery.

We are still limiting non-returnable evaluation orders to a maximum of 2 and once you are happy we will allow recurring orders to begin.

Instead of conducting the order purely by e-commerce we will step you through the process manually starting with the completion of a Pre Sales Questionnaire below.

The Questionnaire contains technical questions regarding the Hermes Standard so it’s advised to be completed by someone with that knowledge. If you don’t require a Adaptor with the Hermes interface, skip these questions, but all feedback is useful.

Submit a Pre-Sales Questionnaire Response


In Other News...

Over the project we have been contacted by IT Professionals wanting to directly monitor or interact with the SMEMA signals and they have attempted to purchase the SMEMA Hermes Adaptor in confusion.

Previously we recommended using a Brainboxes ED-038 as this product has the correct number of I/O for SMEMA however this is a ‘dumb’ product as it contains no logic or software intelligence.

We are pleased to announce that after securing some R&D funding from the Dorset Growth Hub we are introducing CLIVE to the adaptor range which is our SMEMA Ethernet Adaptor.

Clive provides an optional basic SMEMA state machine coupled up to the raw SMEMA I/O and MultiPlug software extensions giving all the data connections a solution engineer would need.

SMEMA Ethernet Adaptor with fabric background

The SMEMA Ethernet Adaptor was named previously in the year after British computing entrepreneur and inventor Clive Sinclair. He unfortunately passed away in September. Clive Sinclair RIP.

If you are interested in the SMEMA Ethernet Adaptor you can also complete the Pre-Sales Questionnaire omitting all the Hermes Standard questions.

David Graham

David Graham

David is the Chief Technology Officer at 4IR.UK British Systems