

MultiPlug Extension for ASM DEK Printing Machines

Change Log:
1.0.5 Upgrade for MultiPlug.Core 2.2.68
1.0.4 Applied new Base classes
1.0.2: Refactoring - Just upgrades
1.0.1: Feature - 1. Attemps to match parameter IDs parameter with names found within the DEK resource file 2. Reads all values (no longer limitation)
1.0.0: Feature - Reads a DEK product file (Doubles and Strings Only) of a set directory.
MultiPlug Applications:
1. DEK Product Files
* Reads a DEK product file of a set directory.
* Attemps to match parameter IDs within names found in the DEK resource file.
* Set the product directory within the settings page. (default E:\product\)
* Set the resources directory within the settings page. (default C:\Program Files\DEK\Printer\Resources)
* Enable the application within the settings page. (default enabled)

Install via the Internet:

Where a MultiPlug instance has an connection to the Internet, it's easier to use the MultiPlug Extension MultiPlug.Ext.Nuget to install and update an extension online.

You can also Side Load an installation by downloading the extension from the link above.

Install via a Sideload:

  • Download the .nupkg file
  • Navigate to /settings/update/ within MultiPlug
  • Select the File, Click Sideload
  • Restart MultiPlug by navigating to /settings/ and clicking System Restart