OSCAR : Single Lane (SL) - JASPER : Dual Lane (DL)
Product in Development - Request for Comment
With the success of the SMEMA Hermes Adaptor, customers kept asking us how they could integrate the Hermes Standard with their rollout of CFX-2591 (Connected Factory Exchange) within their factories.
We are watching closely to see how the Hermes Standard and the CFX complement each other and we are working with the IPC committee to see if the Hermes message could be sent via the CFX instead of network sockets.
Whether that happens or not, using the event based architecture of the MultiPlug Edge Computing Platform we see there will be harmonisation and the need for both.
This product is in development and aligns to the roadmap and the development of the CFX Connected Factory Exchange. We therefore recommend that you contact us to collaborate with us on developing the MultiPlug CFX software extension and any larger solution.
An upgrade path to use CFX on legacy SMEMA SMT manufacturing equipment
A product website can be viewed at: www.smema-cfx-adaptor.info
The adaptor has been created to give IT professionals direct control of the raw SMEMA signals. This creates the opportunity to Stop and Start the production line by MES systems or local control.